A note to you, the wolfman next door to me!
First, do not eat your midnight snacks and forget to put our cans back upright! Please do not howl at the moon so loudly at 3 am! You know we full human beings need our rest and beauty sleep! Oh please, oh don ‘t take what I said too personally now! Please! My meat is way too fat, gummy, and stringy, for you! Plus, you are the cutest, well only wolfman I know!
Oh, and do not stand by my window at night, howling and flashing your pearly whites and wild wolf eyes, drooling from the mouth, and staring at me! As I lay here in awe and pure fright! As if I would be the best quarter pounder you could Eat!
These are just some friendly reminders from the girl next door to you! Oh, and PS: I am not to eat!
Author: Victoria Virden
Cowley Student
Fall Contest 2021