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Makayla Dick

Creatively Inspired

Dreaming and staying still is not a popular idea that comes from being in the generation of 2021. An article done on, 12 Sources I Turn to When My Creativity Needs a Boost, shows the way our imagination cultivates the creativity and ideas it needs to, in a mind of clutter. It says part of the writing process is not only placing yourself in the presence of inspiration, but allowing inspiration time to occur. "Trust me, I get it. I’m also trying to focus, be more productive, get more done too. But you know what I’ve come to discover? That stuff, for all its good (and it really is good), has its place. But if you aren’t careful, you can try to control stuff a bit too much and that can wind up being the very thing that gets in the way of you creativity" (Welch). The writer of the article speaks against pure productivity and asks us to question our physical rest and decision to invoke stamina. When we work for too long and too tirelessly, we lose our own productivity and, in a sense, block the creative passion within ourselves. Creativity is now more work than it should be. So, to move past this internal break of inspiration, ask yourself these questions... Am I giving myself too much leisure when it comes to actively setting my mind? Creativity is within you yes, but for it to flow as it should we must be in an active state of flow ourselves. Flow consists of journaling, working out, moving your brain from one idea to the next, and anything to do with internal and external health. The biggest counteractive device that harms this is our phones. We become bored and it is the first thing we touch. The most effective tool to a writer is the way we use this boring time; and for the reason by which we use it. "You might not expect it, but more often than not, the ideas and answers you most need will likely pop up when you aren’t working on them" (Welch). This is a part of the way we decide to use our mind and our experiences. How do we value the little things around us, as we search for these ideas to surface? Searching, seeking, and using these tools, creates an atmosphere where inspiration comes through us and influences the imagination we aspire. It takes the rest, restoration, and the time away from our busy lives to see the passion there a part of it. "Take time to catch your breath. Take time being selectively productive, doing little, and if anything except restoring your energy." (Welch) There is strength and power in choosing to be away from the world, and putting in the work needed to fulfill the inspiration seeded from desire. Taking rest and insinuating flow, will make the inspiration come through just as easy as it would; when you naturally breathe out the story you know to tell. For a writer, this is critical and for you, maybe you need a day to think. Rest in your place of inspiration, then come back and do the thing you love most... and with more passion and inspiration than you've ever had before.

Click here to see more on how our Creativity is boosted by a series of steps and ideas, in order to cultivate the inspiration needed to be a writer and influencer; in a world of constant productivity and motion.

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