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Hannah Richardson

How Can I use my Creative Writing Degree?

My major here at Cowley is creative writing so when I saw this article from U.S. News that was all about creative writing degrees, I had to check it out. I, myself, was weary about choosing this major, but I’m glad that I have. Picking this major can be daunting because only a small percent of people actually can make a living as a writer, but there’s more that you can do with this degree than you know. This article provides an abundance of information and tips about it. It’s a bit long, but it’s definitely worth the read. It talks about why creative writing is important, choosing between a degree and non-degree-based program, and how to use your creative writing degree.

I learned some information that I didn’t know before such as the fact that if you do have a New York Times bestselling book that doesn’t mean you’re rich and can quit your job. This is a misconception I have thought for a while. It’s a bit disappointing to learn, but very good to know.

Even if you can’t make it as a writer there skills you have learned that can help you in other jobs that some people won’t have acquired.

"I think the Internet, and writing communities online and in social media, have been very helpful for debunking the idea that if you publish a New York Times Bestseller you will have 'made it' and can quit your day job and write full time," Elmes explains. "Unless you are independently wealthy, the odds are very much against you in this regard."

If you want to learn more about creative writing degrees click here.

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